You’re invited to join us on a 15 day, all-inclusive Israel & Jordan Study Tour.
Due to ongoing conflict in the region, this trip has been postponed until March 2026. Trip specifics and registration begins in July 2025.
This is very physically-demanding tour. Participants must be physically fit in order to participate in this trip. Each day involves prolonged exposure to direct sun, heat and wind, and each day includes several miles of hiking, mostly climbing or descending significant elevations.
You will be immersed in the land and lessons of the Bible as you’re led on a journey through the “Promised Land,” the “Land Between” ancient empires, and the land some scholars refer to as “The Fifth Gospel.”
Unlike other Holy Land tours, this tour is solely focused on bringing Scripture to life through first-hand experiences in the places the stories actually happened. An all-inclusive trip, you’ll be free to focus on each moment without worrying about lodging, tips, transportation, entrance fees, food or water.
Follow the Rabbi Study Tours are the only Israel tours endorsed by Ray VanderLaan.

Ready To Go?
The Follow the Rabbi Study Tours are available through GTI Study Tours. GTI Tours is a Christian owned and operated full service tour operator specializing in ministry travel since 1992. Visit the GTI Tours website for more information and to register for Follow the Rabbi Study Tours.